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The Juna & other Spelljammer creatures.

Based on some online descriptions from the Spelljammer novels (mostly as there didn’t seem to be a great deal in the way of illustrations of them) I thought I’d have a go at illustrating the strange ancient creator race mentioned in D&D Spelljammer Lore, The Juna… I came across a couple of varying accounts of their appearance, one saying that they were 9ft tall + and another saying they were the height of Halfling… so I figured there might be more than one type. One that works on primal creation out of chaos and ancient arcane magic (the big ones) and another group who facilitate mechanical inventions, more like highly intuitive artificers.

I wrote up the following description to go with them:
The Juna are in a state of constant creative activity, they make things and creatures almost as a by product of movement, speech and even sedentary thinking. Items manifest and drop to the floor around them only to dissapear moment later, most forever. However certain items might gain the attention of The Juna and picking them up or handling them preserved them in some way, fixing their existence. The Juna are capable of powerful magic including limitless "Wish" spells, but also have a tendency to effect numerous cantrips as a byproduct of their passing close to others. The Juna appear to talk in a strange mix of minor thunderwave and a rapid clicking sound, while in some cases magical glyphs appear around them as they speak. Creatures trying to communicate with them eventually find themselves understood and conversing in a language they understand, though not necessarily the same one as those around them. It's hard to tell if the Juna flit between regular motion and haste, or accidentally cast "Slow" on occasion, but whatever the situation the movement of The Juna is odd and alien, and just being around them for a period of time requires Con checks not to develop headaches and exhaustion.

Also some of the other Spelljammer creatures/races I ended up sketching out in an “enthusiasm accident”… though those Dohwar owe a little more to Mountains of Madness than Happy Feet, and the Hadozee come from a place not unlike Oz I think… Anyway, more on them later I guess.

An illustration of the highly magical creator race, The Juna. Human adventurer for scale.

An illustration of the highly magical creator race, The Juna. Human adventurer for scale.

Detail of Juna image.

Detail of Juna image.

Detail of Juna image.

Detail of Juna image.

Some other Spelljammers…

Some other Spelljammers…