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Hellboy - Fan Art 2

This was a Sculptris sculpt' from a little while ago, I'd taken it into Photoshop and added some basic flat colour, but this has now been added to with some detail paintover... Just fan art, a bit of fun (and practice) really.

Final detail, photo surface effects, hair detail, teeth,  and the eye detail and of course that missing eye socket... all done in Photoshop over the original sculpt.

Final detail, photo surface effects, hair detail, teeth, and the eye detail and of course that missing eye socket... all done in Photoshop over the original sculpt.

Hellboy - Final Pass - Grain Version

Addition of the stogie and smoke...

Addition of the stogie and smoke...

Flat colours added in Photoshop.

Flat colours added in Photoshop.

Screenshot views from Sculptris.

Screenshot views from Sculptris.

Hellboy Fan Art 2 - Video of rotation in Sculptris.